Actions | Benefits |
Miracle keeps burner, nozzle & heat transfer surfaces clean. | Ensures complete combustion & flame homogeneity. |
Reduces deposits in boiler or furnaces. | Minimises cleaning cycles & maintenance cost. |
Ensures reduction in emission. | Reduces stack losses & pollution. |
Reacts with sludge & sediments. | Prevents clogging& chocking of burner & filters thus reduces downtime |
Reduces particulate matter & hazardous gases in exhaust. | Ensures eco friendly operations & satisfies environmental considerations. |
Provides fuel economy by near complete combustion. . | Reduction in expenditure on fuel and also contributes in nations fuel saving policy. |
Accelerates combustion process | The improved combustion efficiency & thus saving of time, money & energy and increase is productivity |
Protects oil circuits from corrosion induced by water. | Increases boiler or furnace equipment’s life. |

Miracle Energy Additives Pvt. Ltd.
Save Energy Serve Nation